Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Final Posters


  1. i like the second poster best because the other 2 posters look like its an individual movie for the character. i also like the second poster the best because the title are in the correct places. However, i think the writing 'breaking point' should be in a different colour as it looks like it does not blend with the other writing. From the backgorund you cant really tell what the picture is about, i dont kno if that was intended or accidental.

  2. i like the second poster due to both the characters being part of the poster, there is no 's' in get on the third poster

  3. The poster needs more elements to make it look more emotional. The background seems kinda bland and reduces the feelings that the characters are trying to portray. However, the layout of the poster looks nice. And it relates to the genre of the film as it is very simple & creates a sense innocence and depression.
